Thursday 8 April 2010


Another Thing, and I'm pleased to say it's another one I'm familiar with.

I've been downloading podcasts on iTunes for a while, and have a noticed a trend towards Radio 4, which is a bit disturbing. I must be getting older.

I attended a session on how to make a podcast in December. It seemed pretty easy, and we're considering how we can use them to promote the library. The most likely way will be to improve database tutorials etc.

Being a bit more, errr, enthusiastic (deluded?), I came up with an idea of producing a 60 second rundown of hot topics each day. Or maybe What's New in 2 minutes every week. A kind of round up of big journal articles or new resources. Which I still think is a good idea, but it's a commitment - you'd really need to keep it going to get people subscribing.

I think it's also important to bear in mind that you'd have to produce something that isn't shonky. For it to be successful it would need good content, and be professionally made (or at least sound it). This kind of resource would be competing for people's time with all the other podcasts that are available, so there better be a USP. If we do produce a library podcast it's going to need a fair bit of planning.

I like podcasts.

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