My first blog post said this:
“I’m taking part in this to get to know web 2.0 a bit better. I use a lot of this stuff already (Facebook, Twitter, customised homepages) but I don’t really know how they work. Which in day to day life, is fine.
However, from a professional point of view, understanding how they work will help me use them in a better way”
Have I got to know Web 2.o any better? I’ve been really surprised at how many of the Web 2.0 bits and bobs I already use, and have been using for a while. I wouldn’t say I was particularly computer savvy (in other words, despite being a librarian I’m not a total geek), but I’ve been happily using almost every Thing we’ve looked at.
The most valuable aspect for me though has been looking at how the other OULS/Bodleian Libraries incorporate Twitter etc into the way they communicate with their users.
Here at HCL we don’t use a lot of these techniques, but I think we should explore them a bit further.
Taking part in the 23 Things has let me have a look at some of the ways we can get our message out to users, and potential users. I was pleased that in many cases i was already familiar with them. It’s also highlighted how I can make better use of resources that I already utilise (Twitter, Linkedin, tags in Delicious) to help my own practice and CPD.
I’ve enjoyed taking part, reading the other participants blogs, and would like to have a follow up Things in the future to see what else is out there.
What would I have done differently? Next time I’ll try not to move house and give myself a bit more time. I should be a bit tidier with my labels on the blog (Thing, thing).
Cheers 23 Thingers! I might even keep this blog going.