Thursday, 28 January 2010

Blogs. Hmmmmm.

What a busy little blogger I am. Well, today anyway.

This is my first blog. It's not something I've done before because I've never really felt that I had anything of any interest to share with the world. I'm still not convinced that I have.

But I don't have a negative view of blogs though. I quite enjoy reading other peoples thoughts, and can see how they could be used in interesting ways.

So whilst blogging hasn't been for me, I'm approaching this with my "information professional hat" on (please note, this isn’t an actual hat), and I’m looking forward to seeing where 23 things takes me.


  1. Wow Owen, loving the pink thing you've got going on!!! I'm sure you've got many pearls of wisdom just waiting to be poured out into your blog!

  2. Thanks Catherine, glad you like my subtle design!

  3. I never really thought of you as such a pink person before!

  4. Am also surprised by the pink. You definitely should get a hat though.

  5. I had thought about changing my template every week, but seeing as this pink thing is so popular I'm sticking with it now.
